Table 1

Clinical characteristics of the study population

VariableOne-bag system
(total number=249)
Two-bag system
(total number=134)
p Value
NumberMean (±SD)NumberMean (±SD)
Age (years)249 (100%)37.7 (±14.9)134 (100%)36.1 (±14.8)0.23
Male249 (100%)144 (57.8%)134 (100%)73 (54.5%)0.60
Weight (kg)173 (69%)75.5 (±22.7)134 (100%)71.3 (±20.5)0.06
BMI (kg/m2)152 (61%)25.8 (±7.1)125 (93%)24.4 (±5.86)0.11
Initial pH177 (71%)7.21 ± (0.14)102 (76%)7.24 (±0.16)0.94
BHB (mmol/L)156 (63%)4.4 (±4.4)127 (95%)7.8 (±5.0)<0.01
BUN (mg/dL)249 (100%)23.1 (±14.4)134 (100%)23.8 (±14.3)0.49
Creatinine (mg/dL)249 (100%)1.48 (±1.68)134 (100%)1.40 (±0.90)0.12
Admission serum glucose (mg/dL)233* (94%)473.6 (±198.0)134 (100%)511.7 (±193.3)0.05
Anion gap (mmol/L)249 (100%)23.4 (±6.3)134 (100%)23.8 (±5.9)0.52
HgbA1c (%)204 (82%)11.7 (2.0)105 (78%)11.6 (2.0)0.70
Charlson comorbidity index249 (100%)1.66 (±1.18)134 (100%)1.54 (±1.11)0.36
  • Baseline data are means ± SD. Some data are missing or not recorded in the chart to account for less than the total numbers in each group.

  • *Sixteen missing values were recorded as ‘high’ by the glucometer (ie, >600 mg/dL) and were recorded as unmeasurable in the chart.

  • BHB, beta-hydroxybutyrate; BMI, body mass index; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; HgbA1c, hemoglobin A1c.