Diabetic Retinopathy Screening at the Point of Care (DR SPOC): detecting undiagnosed and vision-threatening retinopathy by integrating portable technologies within existing services
Lakni Shahanika Weerasinghe, Hamish Paul Dunn, Adrian T Fung, Glen Maberly, Ngai Wah Cheung, Daminda P Weerasinghe, Gerald Liew, Helen Do, Tien-Ming Hng, Alison Pryke, Samuel I Marks, Helen Nguyen, Rajini Jayaballa, Seema Gurung, Belinda Ford, Ramy H Bishay, Christian M Girgis, Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, Lisa Keay, Andrew J White
BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care Aug 2023, 11 (4) e003376; DOI: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2023-003376