Mediation of an association between neighborhood socioeconomic environment and type 2 diabetes through the leisure-time physical activity environment in an analysis of three independent samples
Katherine A Moon, Cara M Nordberg, Stephanie L Orstad, Aowen Zhu, Jalal Uddin, Priscilla Lopez, Mark D Schwartz, Victoria Ryan, Annemarie G Hirsch, Brian S Schwartz, April P Carson, D Leann Long, Melissa Meeker, Janene Brown, Gina S Lovasi, Samranchana Adhikari, Rania Kanchi, Sanja Avramovic, Giuseppina Imperatore, Melissa N Poulsen
BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care Mar 2023, 11 (2) e003120; DOI: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2022-003120