In an adult non-diabetic population with low cardiorespiratory fitness, we detected no difference in cardiorespiratory fitness between the 1 year EG or PG interventions at 1 or 5 years. The 1-year EG intervention, however, induced greater improvement in muscle strength, larger reduction in body weight and diastolic blood pressure, and LDL-cholesterol than the prescription only intervention. In addition, contrary to our hypothesis, we found no strong evidence that FH modifies individual responsiveness to exercise. Our findings suggest that individuals with FH may be less prone to reduce their LDL-C and possibly waist circumference with exercise, but overall, they achieve similar exercise-induced improvements in insulin resistance, HDL-C, and blood pressure as individuals without FH. The main finding was that irrespective of the mode of intervention, the 1-year low-cost exercise interventions resulted in a lower 6-year systolic and diastolic blood pressure, insulin levels, HOMA-IR and higher HDL-C compared with the background population, the CON group, taken from the same population study. Thus, the present findings support the conclusion that both EG and PG interventions have beneficial long-term effects on cardiometabolic health independent of the FH status.
The strength of the study is the population-based recruitment of the study participants and random allocation of participants into a training and prescription group. We also observed a very low overall dropout rate, as 91.7% of the participants participated in the 5-year examination. We were able to take a real-life control group from the PPP-Botnia cohort and to estimate the propensity score based average treatment effect of those who did or did not receive the intervention. Furthermore, participants reported no major adverse effects that can be traced back to the interventions. Thus, these interventions can be safely recommended for adult populations.
There are some limitations of the current study that should be addressed. As in many other studies, we encountered problems with monitoring physical activity and quantity and intensity of exercise interventions. The key instruments were 12-month recall questionnaire, the exercise diary and adherence to weekly exercise sessions, but this was left to the individual’s compliance. Although we aimed to test a less resource-consuming intervention, in future studies, it may be beneficial to include activating contacts, including new web-based technologies, by health professionals or trainers to increase the motivation and adherence to the intervention.
In the present study, individually given low-resource intensive exercise prescription intervention aiming for 150 min of exercise per week provided similar long-term cardiometabolic health benefits as the supervised exercise intervention in low-risk population. Participants that received either type of exercise intervention (PG+EG) improved their blood pressure, HDL-C, and insulin sensitivity, without a significant change in the waist circumference or body weight, compared with the CON group during the 6.8-year follow-up (table 3). Our findings support the findings from previous studies reporting beneficial cardiometabolic effects from unsupervised or counselling-based exercise interventions.32–34 These studies have, however, had relatively short follow-up time (6–12 months) and included mostly high-risk populations. According to the recent review including people with no cardiovascular disease risk factors, lifestyle interventions (diet and/or exercise) induced a small improvement in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, LDL-C, BMI, and waist circumference, but not in HDL-C.8 In the present study, we observed improvements in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, but not in LDL-C or in adiposity. However, exercise intervention groups improved HDL-C and insulin sensitivity compared with the CON group. The discrepancy between the studies is most likely explained by the type of intervention, longer follow-up, and inclusion of community-based control group rather than a randomly allocated control group in the present study. Despite small differences between the studies, the evidence strongly suggests that low-resource intensive exercise intervention is a feasible, low-cost alternative to promote long-term cardiometabolic health in low-risk individuals.
Both the PG and the EG performed similarly in most of the measured variables. The EG gained more muscle strength during the intervention, which can be explained by the fact that resistance training was the most common type of exercise (online supplemental table S1). Also, muscle strength measurements were only available from a subsample of the PG, which limits the generalizability of these findings.
FH did not influence aerobic fitness response to training. These findings are consistent with a previous study reporting similar increase in the VO2max between the first-degree relatives of type 2 diabetic patients and controls after a 10-week aerobic exercise intervention.15 Previously, it has also been suggested, although informally tested, that FH+ group may require greater volume of exercise to achieve similar VO2max gain as the FH− group.16 In the present study, such effects were unobserved, as the slope between the total volume (MET-hours) of exercise and the change in the fitness score were similar between the FH− and FH+ groups (p for total exercise volume × FH interaction=0.361, data not shown). The discrepancy between the findings is most likely explained by the differences in the dose (type, volume, and intensity) of the exercise interventions and that we only included low fit individuals and used indirect measure of physical fitness. Usage of walk test may have limited our ability to detect differences between the FH− and FH+ groups in fitness. However, in a large community-based study, direct measurement of VO2max is infeasible. In fact, the walk-test based predicted fitness score correlates well with direct VO2 measurements, and it can be successfully applied in follow-up studies.19 Moreover, as both intervention groups improved their fitness score, the walk test was sensitive enough to capture intervention-induced changes in fitness. In addition, a previous study that used graded exercise test reported similar increases in fitness between the FH− and FH+ groups after 8 weeks of training.35 It should, however, be emphasized that the observed increase in fitness among FH+ does not associate with similar muscle adaptations (eg, insulin sensitivity) as in the FH− group.15
Previous studies have well established that regular exercise decreases waist circumference and reduces LDL-C level.8 In the present study, such benefits were only detected among the FH− group. It has previously been reported that FH reduces fat oxidation36 37 and high-fat diet induced fat oxidation.38 The reduced fat oxidation in response to high-fat diet was unexplained by the differences in VO2max,38 which could partly explain why FH influenced only on lipoprotein and fat metabolism, but not physical fitness. Taken together, we found no strong evidence supporting FH as a modifier of cardiometabolic response to exercise.
In conclusion, 1-year PG or EG intervention provide similar long-term cardiometabolic health benefits compared with the community-based control population. Although the FH modulated the LDL-C and waist circumference response to exercise, it seems that it does not systematically modify cardiometabolic response to exercise in any major way. These findings illustrate that low-resource promotion of physical activity in a clinical setting can be a feasible tool for enhancing long-term cardiometabolic health in an adult FH− or FH+ populations. We encourage healthcare policymakers and practitioners to take actions that promote incorporation of low-cost physical activity programs into the clinical practice.