This study provides insight in the course and determinants of phosphate concentrations in DKA among adults. On admission to the hospital for DKA, 66%of all cases in which phosphate levels were measured at baseline present with hyperphosphatemia. However, during the treatment phase of DKA, hypophosphatemia occurred in 74% and a severe hypophosphatemia even in 23%. Nadir lowest phosphate level during the DKA treatment was 0.54 mmol/L, with a median duration of 16 hours to reach this phosphate level. Baseline bicarbonate and Hb levels, and thus severity of DKA, are determinants for nadir lowest phosphate levels during the treatment phase of DKA.
It has long been known that serum phosphate levels decrease during the treatment phase of DKA.3 In accordance with data from the retrospective study of Shen et al,11 low pH levels were associated with hypophosphatemia in our study as well. Acid-base disturbances are the main predictor for hypophosphatemia in DKA because the degree of acidosis contributes to the extracellular shift of phosphate and osmotic diuresis.
Furthermore, reduced tubular reabsorption of phosphate, as a direct effect of acidosis, and subsequent increased urinary phosphate excretion, contribute to low phosphate levels.19 Baseline Hb was also associated with lowest phosphate which has not been demonstrated before. Along with acid base disturbances, Hb levels represent volume depletion that occurs with DKA due to osmotic diuresis, resulting in net phosphate loss.3
During the treatment of DKA, rising pH levels and reversal of insulinopenia, increase intracellular glycolysis, which uses phosphate to form ATP.20 21 As a result of this, the intracellular amount of phosphate will decrease and in turn extracellular phosphate will enter the cell to compensate for this loss. The risk of hypophosphatemia therefore increases with increasing pH and bicarbonate levels. This also explains why the lowest phosphate develops relatively late in the treatment phase, in this study after 16 (8–23) hours, on recovery of pH. In the retrospective study by Shen et al11 among 43 patients with T1DM with 64 episodes of DKA, the prevalence of hypophosphatemia was 90% (compared with 74% in the present study) with a lowest phosphate level (0.58±0.19 mmol/L) that is almost equal to the present study. The difference in hypophosphatemia prevalence could be well explained by different phosphate measurements (due to different guidelines), or that the phosphate was determined later in the treatment phase, which explains the longer time to lowest phosphate in this comparative study (22 hours).
An important finding of the current study is that in 66% of the cases phosphate levels were determined, according to current international guideline. In 53% of the cases who developed hypophosphatemia during DKA therapy, confirmation of restoration of normal phosphate concentrations was checked. Among the patients who developed hypophosphatemia, there were no adverse events recorded in the hospital charts which were likely associated with low phosphate levels or lack of therapy. Although the limitations of this retrospective study do not allow firm conclusions, it may suggest that hypophosphatemia during DKA does not lead to serious clinical consequences. Furthermore, as previous guidelines also recommend repeated phosphate levels, it could also be concluded that guidelines are not well complied.22
As such, our findings question the relevance of current guidelines.7 15 It could be argued that (repeated) measurements of serum phosphate should only be performed in individuals presenting with severe DKA and the interval of measurement should be longer than 24 hours.
To our knowledge, this is the first two-center study that investigated the role of phosphate in DKA among a large (>100) population. Nevertheless, limitations of the present study should be acknowledged. There may be selection bias: only a minority (n=17) of the included cases were treated in the period 2005–2010. As we expect that the actual incidence of DKA in both hospitals is higher, this may indicate that we missed data in that period. A possible explanation for this omission is the introduction of electronic patient charts in this period in both hospitals. In addition, with the use of electronic searching tools we potentially miss cases. Furthermore, in this study data were collected from two centers. As presented in online supplemental table 1, patients presenting with a DKA in the UMCG had lower baseline temperature, used more often insulin injections and less often continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, had higher baseline sodium and LDH levels and had lower baseline bilirubin and pCO2 levels. Because of the retrospective nature, there were no standardized measurement protocols for phosphate and there is missing data. As such, the lowest phosphate should be interpreted as an assumed lowest. As phosphate determinations were snapshots, there is a considerable chance that we missed the actual lowest phosphate and we overestimated or underestimated the time until the lowest phosphate occurred. As phosphate was no longer determined after 24 hours in almost half of the patients, the actual time to lowest phosphate could well be even later than described. It should be noted that the population studied consisted of adults. As such, the role of phosphate in DKA among children with T1DM remains to be studied. As hypertension was a significant factor in the univariate analysis, a future study may focus on the potential association between medication for hypertension and hypophosphatemia, as many of these drugs target the kidney and therefore could have an effect of renal phosphate losses.