Table 3

Patterns of treatment revision for members on common oral antidiabetic medication regimens

Patterns of treatment revisionnPer cent
Baseline treatment=metformin/sulfonylurea (n=418)
 Switch to basal insulin9923.7
 Add thiazolidinedione9222.0
 Switch thiazolidinedione5613.4
 Add basal insulin5312.7
 Switch non-basal insulin296.9
 Add non-basal insulin204.8
 All others6916.5
Baseline treatment=sulfonylurea (n=366)
 Add metformin11230.6
 Switch metformin9024.6
 Switch basal insulin5013.7
 Add thiazolidinedione3810.4
 Switch thiazolidinedione277.4
 Add basal insulin174.6
 All others328.7
Baseline treatment=metformin (n=342)
 Switch sulfonylurea13639.8
 Add sulfonylurea9527.8
 Add thiazolidinedione277.9
 Add basal insulin267.6
 Switch basal insulin205.9
 Switch thiazolidinedione113.2
 All others277.8
Baseline treatment=3+ orals (n=197)
 Switch basal insulin3819.3
 Add basal insulin3517.8
 Switch metformin2010.2
 Switch thiazolidinedione2010.2
 Add metformin147.1
 Add non-basal insulin94.5
 All others6130.9
  • Per cent reported is based on the sample size within each of the baseline treatment categories.