Table 1

Sample identification and attrition summary

CriterianPer cent
Laboratory result indicating HbA1c ≥9% (index date)45 865100
Age <18 or >89 with no enrolment gap40 98089
Continuous enrolment ≥12 months preindex and ≥36 months postindex16 55336
Research eligible members (eg, non-ASO plan members)12 85628
Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes during the preindex period11 86126
Exclusion of members with a diagnosis of T1DM during the study period877419
Primary and secondary diagnosis of type 2 diabetes (medical and Rx claims)860519
No diagnosis of gestational diabetes or pregnancy during the study period849619
No pharmacy claims over the 48-month study period846418
Complete demographic data (ie, gender)846318
Final sample size846318
  • ASO, administrative services only; HbA1c, glycosylated hemoglobin; T1DM, type 1 diabetes mellitus.