Table 2

Association between baseline characteristics at diagnosis and change in medication count between diagnosis and 5 years in the ADDITION-UK cohort

 Change in total medication countChange in diabetes medicationChange in CVD medicationChange in other medication
β*95% CIIRR*95% CIβ*95% CIβ*95% CI
Number of medications at diagnosis†−0.49−0.56 to −0.42−0.50−0.56 to −0.44−0.30−0.37 to −0.22
Male gender−0.25−0.57 to 0.060.860.75 to 0.99−0.11−0.33 to 0.100.12−0.10 to 0.34
Intensive treatment arm0.440.10 to 0.781.141.01 to 1.300.390.09 to 0.69−0.08−0.30 to 0.13
Age at diagnosis (years)−0.03−0.05 to −0.010.960.95 to 0.97−0.02−0.03 to 0.0020.020.01 to 0.04
Modelling 10-year UKPDS CVD risk (%)0.040.02 to to to 0.030.00−0.01 to 0.01
  • *IRR, Incidence Rate Ratio from a Poisson regression model; β, Regression coefficient from a linear regression model.

  • †Number of medications of the medication type that is the dependent variable in that columns regression.

  • CVD, cardiovascular disease; UKPDS, UK Prospective Diabetes Study.