Table 1

Sample characteristics by diabetes and MD/AX status (N=3076)

 No diabetes or MD/AX
N=2439 (83%)
MD/AX only
N=371 (9%)
Diabetes only
N=210 (7%)
N=56 (1%)
n(%)n(%)n(%)n(%)p Value
Country of origin
 Puerto Rican368(7)65(11)46(11)15(17) 
 Other Latino644(23)98(23)44(21)10(24) 
Age (years)
 65 or more161(6)24(6)61(30)6(11) 
Income ($)*
 0–16 999657(29)123(33)82(37)31(45)0.259
 17 000–44 999819(34)117(29)63(28)12(19) 
 45 000–79 999517(21)71(22)39(22)10(24) 
 80 000+446(16)59(16)26(13)3(12) 
Education (years)
 11 or less858(42)134(38)97(51)35(57)0.278
 13 or more930(30)145(35)69(26)13(27) 
Self-rated mental health*
 Very good628(29)67(25)37(21)5(10)
12-month MD/AX
 Dysthymia3(1)  2(4)0.00
 Generalised anxiety disorder33(8)  8(15)
 Major depressive episode240(67)  30(47)
 Post-traumatic stress disorder95(24)  16(34)
Mean years with diabetes (SE)
NA NA 9.50 (0.43)8.58 (0.83) 
  • Values are unweighted frequency counts and weighted percentages.

  • *Sample for income n=3075 and self-report mental health (n=2645).

  • MD/AX, mood/anxiety disorder; NA, not appicable.