Table 4

Net costs or savings for interventions during the RAPSID trial*

Study group
One to oneGroupAny intervention
Mean (95% CI)
Impact on participants out-of-pocket costs26.51 (−19.40 to 72.42)4.04 (−47.99 to 56.06)11.41 (−37.94 to 60.76)
Impact on NHS incurred costs−267.00 (−758.02 to 224.01)−101.44 (−600.75 to 397.86)−138.38 (−706.68 to 429.92)
Net cost or savings incurred with implementation cost of 13.84£ for those receiving peer supportSavings of £233.65 (−734.06 to 267.52)Savings of £90.52
(−598.87 to 417.83)
Savings of £113.13
(−616.82 to 390.55)
  • *All costs reported in 2013 £.

  • NHS, National Health Service.