Table 2

ORs and diagnostic accuracy for type 2 diabetes over T years—simple model

CARDIA (10 years)CARDIA-10 (10 years)ARIC (9 years)CHS (7 years)
 Age group†1.343*1.2421.0780.848
 Black (=1)0.9471.408*1.323***1.265
 Male (=1)0.384***1.380*1.575***1.512**
 Parental history (=1)1.661***2.357***1.871***1.324
 Smoker (=1)0.8780.9871.357***1.198
 High SBP (>140 mm Hg=1)3.846**1.0941.472***1.887***
 High cholesterol (>240 mg/dL=1)1.5391.388*1.0020.948
 Observations 4039 2813 8875 3094
Diabetes (N) 171 188 836 150
Diagnostic statistics
 AUROC (95% CI)0.72 (0.69–0.76)0.79 (0.76–0.83)0.75 (0.73–0.77)0.69 (0.65–0.73)
 Cumulative probability4.23%6.68%9.42%4.85%
 1-year probability‡0.44%0.73%1.04%0.53%
  • *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

  • †For CARDIA age (25–30)==1, CARDIA-10 age (35–40)=1, ARIC age (55–64)==1, CHS age (75+)==1.

  • Supplementary appendix A-6 shows how to compute annual probabilities using the Logit model.

  • T represents the maximum time in the sample. For CARDIA and CARDIA-10, T=10 years. For ARIC, T=9; and for CHD, T=7.

  • For PPV and NPV the cut-off used is 5.

  • Supplementary appendix A-5a shows non-exponentiated coefficients.

  • BMI=(weight in kg)/(height in meters)2.

  • PPV, p×sensitivity/(p×sensitivity+(1 p)(1−specificity)), where p is the prevalence.

  • NPV, specificity×(1 p)/(p×(1−sensitivity)+(1 p)×specificity).

  • ARIC, Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities; AUROC, area under the receiver-operating curve; CARDIA, Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults; CHS, Cardiovascular Heart Study; BMI, body mass index; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value; SBP, systolic blood pressure.