Table 4

The impact of glycemic traits on prostate cancer risk in Prostate Cancer Association Group to Investigate Cancer-Associated Alterations in the Genome consortium using Mendelian randomization

All SNPsInverse variance weighting with multiplicative random effectsMR-EggerWeighted median
OR95% CII2OR95% CIInterceptIntercept
p value
OR95% CI
Glucose (mmol/L) (n=11)0.930.73 to 1.170.4640.730.41 to 1.290.0080.380.880.70 to 1.12
HbA1c (%) (n=19)0.900.58 to 1.400.5751.260.32 to 4.92−0.0050.621.030.65 to 1.63
Type 2 diabetes (n=112)1.020.97 to 1.070.6900.980.86 to 1.100.0030.500.970.93 to 1.02
Excluding pleiotropic SNPs*
Glucose (mmol/L) (n=10)1.010.81 to 1.240.2630.750.48 to to 1.13
Type 2 diabetes (n=111)1.020.97 to 1.070.6860.980.87 to 1.110.0030.480.980.93 to 1.03
  • *No pleiotropic SNPs identified for HbA1c.

  • SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphism.