Table 2

Prevalence and trends in the use of any supplement, MVMM, any vitamin, and any mineral supplement among US adults aged 20 years or older with diabetes from 1999 to 2014* †

30-day prevalence of dietary supplement use, Weighted % (Weighted 95% CI)‡P value for trend2013–2014 vs 1999–2000
1999–2000 (n=577)2001–2002 (n=631)2003–2004 (n=656)2005–2006 (n=687)2007–2008 (n=1089)2009–2010 (n=1072)2011–2012 (n=985)2013–2014 (n=991)RatioDifference
Any supplement52 (45 to 59)50 (45 to 55)56 (50 to 63)51 (45 to 57)51 (47 to 55)55 (49 to 61)53 (48 to 58)58 (54 to 62)0.081.1 (1.0 to 1.3)6.1 (−1.4 to 14)
 Excluding MVMM§17 (12 to 21)15 (11 to 18)22 (18 to 25)13 (8 to 17)19 (16 to 22)23 (18 to 29)26 (21 to 31)26 (22 to 30)<0.00011.6 (1.2 to 2.2)9.7 (3.8 to 16)
MVMM¶36 (28 to 43)36 (31 to 41)35 (29 to 40)38 (32 to 44)32 (28 to 36)31 (28 to 35)27 (23 to 31)32 (28 to 36)0.0060.9 (0.7 to 1.1)−3.6 (−12 to 4.4)
Any vitamin47 (40 to 54)45 (39 to 50)48 (42 to 53)46 (40 to 52)46 (42 to 51)47 (42 to 51)49 (44 to 54)52 (49 to 56)0.031.1 (1.0 to 1.3)5.8 (−1.8 to 14)
 Excluding MVMM11 (7 to 15)9 (6 to 12)13 (9 to 16)8 (4 to 11)14 (11 to 17)15 (12 to 20)22 (18 to 26)20 (17 to 24)<0.00011.9 (1.3 to 2.7)9.5 (4.6 to 14)
Any mineral47 (41 to 53)51 (44 to 58)54 (46 to 61)53 (46 to 60)45 (41 to 50)49 (45 to 53)44 (39 to 48)51 (46 to 55)0.231.1 (0.9 to 1.3)3.7 (−3.6 to 11)
 Excluding MVMM13 (9 to 17)16 (12 to 21)19 (15 to 24)16 (11 to 20)14 (10 to 17)18 (15 to 22)17 (13 to 21)19 (15 to 23)0.151.4 (0.99 to 2.1)5.8 (0.2 to 12)
  • *Results are presented for both of the overall use and use when excluding MVMM.

  • †Survey-weighted logistic regression was used to calculate p for linear trend across waves. A decrease corresponds to a ratio <1 (or a difference <0) and p for trend <0.05 when comparing 2013–2014 to 1999–2000. An increase represents a ratio >1 (or a difference >0) and p for trend <0.05. Stable represents a p for trend ≥0.05.

  • ‡Sample weights were considered for analyses to account for complex survey design. All relative SEs are <30%, which is consistent with National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) reporting guidelines.

  • §The trend markedly varied for overall use and use when excluding MVMM.

  • ¶MVMM is defined as containing ≥10 vitamins and/or minerals.

  • MVMM, multivitamin/multimineral.