Table 4

Risk of bias assessment of individual diagnostic/prediction models (PROBAST)20 21

First author and assessed modelRoBApplicabilityOverall
Barengo et al,23 ColDRISC+++++++
Barengo et al,23 modified FINDRISC+++++++
Bernabe-Ortiz et al,24 FINDRISC Simplified+++++++
Bernabe-Ortiz et al,24 FINDRISC+++++++
Bernabe-Ortiz et al,24 LA-FINDRISC+++++++
Gomez-Arbelaez et al25+++++++
Nieto-Martínez et al,26 LA-FINDRISC+++++++
Nieto-Martínez et al,26 FINDRISC+++++++
  • + indicates low RoB/low concern regarding applicability; − indicates high RoB/high concern regarding applicability.

  • PROBAST, Prediction model Risk of Bias ASsessment Tool; RoB, risk of bias.