Table 1

Topics covered and incentives distributed during core sessions

Main topicsIncentives
What is prediabetes?
Importance of lifestyle management
Tracking calories for weight loss
Promoting exercise habits
Tote bag
Calorie King book
PROP logo pen
Emotional eating
How to eat fewer calories/volumetrics
Using your pedometer
What is BMI?
Healthy strategies in restaurants
Ask for what you need
Adding steps to your day
PROP-ABC logo water bottle
Handling the holidays, vacations, special events
How are fats different?
Exercise safely in heat and cold
Hand weights
Savvy grocery store skills
Secrets to staying motivated
Making exercise enjoyable
National Institutes of Health (NIH) exercise handbook
Stress and your body
Eat easy: keeping it simple
Preventing relapse
PROP-ABC cookbook
  • BMI, body mass index; PROP-ABC, Pathobiology and Reversibility of Prediabetes in a Biracial Cohort.