Table 1

Responses to statements about the role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in treating different types of lower limb ulcers (n=101)

StatementNeverRarelySometimesFrequentlyAlwaysMedian (IQR)
HBOT has a treatment role in ischemic foot ulcers.13 (13)37 (37)43 (43)7 (7)1 (1)3 (2–4)
HBOT has a treatment role in neuropathic foot ulcers.24 (24)44 (44)27 (27)5 (5)1 (1)2 (1–3)
HBOT has a treatment role in venous leg ulcers.29 (29)46 (46)24 (24)1 (1)1 (1)2 (1–3)
  • Data were presented as n (%) and median (IQR).

  • HBOT, hyperbaric oxygen therapy.