Table 3

Comparison of medical expenditures in NGT and GDM women, and the medical expenditures in women with NGT, GDM and the missed diagnosed group†

Expenditure (¥)Non-matchedPropensity score-matched*Non-matched
NGTGDMP valueNGTGDMP valueNGTMissingTextbookP value
Total medical expenditure, median (IQR)2243.1 (1251.9 to 3775.2)2826.3 (1145.6 to 4663.7)0.142105.2 (1250.0 to 3896.1)3018.1 (1173.0 to 5036.0)0.092243.1 (1251.9 to 3775.2)2745.4 (1136.3 to 4406.3)3115.8 (1175.5 to 5365.5)0.23
Hospitalization expenses, median (IQR)180.0 (111.0 to 344.0)215.0 (128.0 to 403.5)0.07192.0 (120.0 to 360.0)236.0 (129.0 to 377.0)0.14180.0 (111.0 to 344.0)204.0 (120.0 to 342.0)292.0 (150.5 to 498.0)0.02
Western medicine, median (IQR)335.2 (104.4 to 788.2)588.5 (144.5 to 1167.3)<0.01364.6 (120.1 to 784.2)588.5 (157.0 to 1156.6)0.02335.2 (104.4 to 788.2)664.6 (147.0 to 1169.1)495.0 (137.2 to 1058.7)0.02
Chinese traditional medicine, median (IQR)127.2 (121.3 to 137.4)121.3 (74.4 to 167.8)0.40121.3 (76.7 to 131.7)121.3 (80.6 to 167.8)0.92127.2 (121.3 to 137.4)121.3 (104.9 to 167.8)121.3 (29.6 to 121.3)0.05
Examination cost, median (IQR)312.0 (180.0 to 488.0)277.2 (135.0 to 504.0)0.44310.5 (159.0 to 499.5)261.5 (135.0 to 499.0)0.55312.0 (180.0 to 488.0)274.0 (135.0 to 510.0)280.5 (134.0 to 494.0)0.63
Consultation fee, median (IQR)275.6 (126.2 to 1099.9)326.6 (107.7 to 1177.7)0.97259.6 (117.0 to 1106.2)410.0 (110.4 to 1346.0)0.34275.6 (126.2 to 1099.9)306.9 (112.3 to 1131.8)508.2 (68.4 to 1343.0)1.00
Surgical cost, median (IQR)750.0 (700.0 to 1000.0)800.0 (750.0 to 800.0)0.81775.0 (725.0 to 1150.0)775.0 (750.0 to 800.0)0.83750.0 (700.0 to 1000.0)800.0 (750.0 to 800.0)750.0 (750.0 to 800.0)0.87
Laboratory test cost, median (IQR)451.6 (302.0 to 657.0)568.6 (344.0 to 851.0)<0.01456.6 (293.6 to 680.1)572.0 (347.0 to 935.0)<0.01451.6 (302.0 to 657.0)486.3 (329.3 to 744.6)714.0 (429.0 to 1337.2)<0.01
Delivery cost, median (IQR)610.0 (550.0 to 730.0)730.0 (610.0 to 730.0)0.06730.0 (550.0 to 790.0)730.0 (610.0 to 730.0)0.23610.0 (550.0 to 730.0)730.0 (610.0 to 730.0)730.0 (730.0 to 730.0)0.14
Blood transfusion cost, median (IQR)5460.0 (5460.0 to 5460.0)5120.0 (1060.0 to 5120.0)0.115460.0 (5460.0 to 5460.0)5120.0 (1060.0 to 5120.0)0.115460.0 (5460.0 to 5460.0)1060.0 (1060.0 to 1060.0)5120.0 (5120.0 to 5120.0)0.08
Others, median (IQR)52.0 (16.0 to 104.0)47.5 (26.0 to 112.0)0.4052.0 (19.0 to 94.0)49.0 (24.0 to 94.0)0.7752.0 (16.0 to 104.0)42.0 (24.0 to 94.0)52.0 (30.0 to 130.0)0.52
  • Missing: women diagnosed as GDM under the IADPSG but as NGT using the previous Chinese criteria; 6 GDM: women diagnosed as GDM under both IADPSG and previous Chinese criteria. Laboratory tests (clinical lab of the hospital, including certain blood tests, urinalysis, tests on tissue specimens and screening tests performed after hospitalization).

  • *P<0.01.

  • †Propensity score matched for maternal age, gestational weight and gestational age at delivery, and duration of pregnancy.

  • GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus; IADPSG, International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Group; NGT, normal glucose tolerance.