Table 1

Demographic characteristics of study participants

CharacteristicsFrequency, n (%) (unless stated otherwise)
Age of participants at time of interview, mean (range), years53 (45–59)
Age of child at time of interview, mean (range), years20 (18–23)
Gender of parent
 Female13 (81)
 Male3 (19)
Gender of child
 Female6 (38)
 Male10 (62)
Marital status
 Spouse or partner13 (81)
 Single/divorced2 (13)
 Widowed1 (6)
 High school4 (25)
 Postsecondary degree(s)12 (75)
Employment status
 Full time9 (56)
 Part-time1 (6)
 Self-employed2 (13)
 Full-time home maker4 (25)
Total household income
 $40 000–$60 0002 (12.5)
 $60 000–$80 0001 (6)
 >$100 00011 (69)
 Unknown2 (12.5)
Private health insurance
 Yes13 (81)
 No3 (19)
Born in Canada
 Yes10 (63)
 No6 (37)