Table 3

Interaction between rs10811661 and BMI level on T2D risk

BMI*GenotypeCase N (%)Control N (%)OR (95% CI)†P value†
<18.50CC9 (0.31%)36 (1.10%)0.80 (0.38 to 1.70)0.565
18.50–24.99CC171 (5.93%)575 (17.65%)1
25.00–27.99CC236 (8.19%)138 (4.24%)5.67 (4.31 to 7.46)<0.001
≥28CC102 (3.54%)19 (0.58%)18.43 (10.95 to 31.02)<0.001
<18.50TC35 (1.21%)85 (2.61%)1.41 (0.91 to 2.18)0.12
18.50–24.99TC519 (18.01%)1238 (38.00%)1.42 (1.16 to 1.73)0.001
25.00–27.99TC628 (21.79%)263 (8.07%)8.13 (6.49 to 10.19)<0.001
≥28TC294 (10.20%)47 (1.44%)22.01 (15.37 to 31.51)<0.001
<18.50TT23 (0.80%)62 (1.90%)1.21 (0.72 to 2.02)0.467
18.50–24.99TT364 (12.63%)612 (18.78%)1.98 (1.60 to 2.46)<0.001
25.00–27.99TT352 (12.21%)153 (4.70%)7.51 (5.80 to 9.71)<0.001
≥28TT149 (5.18%)30 (0.93%)17.58 (11.38 to 27.16)<0.001
P for multiplicative interaction0.003
  • *BMI was divided into four groups based on Chinese criterion: underweight: <18.50; normal: 18.50–23.99; overweight: 24.00–27.99; obesity: ≥28.00.

  • †OR and p value were calculated by multiplicative interaction logistic regression with adjustment of rs10811661, BMI, age, sex, smoking and alcohol consumption.

  • BMI, body mass index; T2D, type 2 diabetes.