Table 3

Hypoglycemia event rate per person week based on 7-point profiles defined by level for ITT population

VariableHRIRAIP value
Event rate/person week level 1
 Prerandomization, 7-point0.0540.057
 Postrandomization, 7-point0.0090.017
 IRR HRI/RAI (net post/pre)*0.565 (0.185 to 1.720)0.315
Event rate/person week level 2
 Prerandomization, 7-point0.0230.008
 Postrandomization, 7-point0.0090.000
 IRR HRI/RAI (net post/pre)*Undefined
Event rate/person week any level
 Prerandomization, 7-point0.0690.065
 Postrandomization, 7-point0.0160.017
 IRR HRI/RAI (net post/pre)*0.925 (0.386 to 2.217)0.861
  • *IRR quantitates the risk of hypoglycemia in the HRI group compared with the RAI group. IRR <1.0 favors the HRI group and an IRR >1.0 favors the RAI group. Between-group difference results from Poisson regression model with repeated measures; generalized estimating equations approach. Level 1 (≤70 mg/dL or (<3.9 mmol/L)) and level 2 hypoglycemia (<54 mg/dL (<3.0 mmol/L)). No level 3 events were reported for either group.

  • HRI, human regular insulin; IRR, incident rate ratio; ITT, intent-to-treat; RAI, rapid acting insulin.