Table 5

Respondent suggestions as to how screening uptake in young adults could be improved. Interventions were coded to the intervention and policy taxonomy used in the behavior change wheel

What else do you think could be done to encourage attendance in young adults? (n=102)

n (%)

Education23 (22.6)‘More education about the long terms risks, and the asymptomatic nature of Diabetic retinopathy’
‘More education for General Practioners (GPs)’
Persuasion0 (0.0)N/A
Incentivization3 (2.9)‘Re-imbursement of travel costs as pts can't drive themselves with dilation’
Coercion0 (0.0)N/A
Training1 (0.98)‘More training’
Restriction0 (0.0)N/A
Environmental restructuring1 (0.98)Ensuring they are aware that a drop-in appointment is possible’
‘More freedom to discuss consequence of non-attendance with patients in clinic’
Modeling0 (0.0)N/A
Enablement11 (10.8)‘Active encouragement from GPs/Diabetic nurses’
‘Chasing up young adults who have not attended to get them rebooked and see if there is anything the programme can do to help’
Communication/marketing28 (27.5)‘Social media campaigns aimed specifically at young people - celebrity endorsement of DRS’
Guidelines0 (0.0)N/A
Fiscal0 (0.0)N/A
Regulation2 (1.96)‘Running audits and reports into young patients who have not attended’
Legislation0 (0.0)N/A
Environmental/social planning0 (0.0)N/A
Service provision58 (56.9)A joint up service. All diabetic services working together’
‘A mobile clinic, weekend appointments as young adults work/childcare during the week so evening clinics not enough’
  • DRS, diabetic retinopathy screening; N/A, not applicable.