Table 1

Participant characteristics (number (%) or mean±SD unless otherwise stated)*

Sociodemographic factors
Age (years)56 (10)
Males45 (78.9%)
Living with family53 (93.0%)
Secondary school education25 (43.9%)
Retired20 (35.1%)
Family income (JD)*400 (312–700)
Physiological factors
Type 2 diabetes54 (94.7%)
Duration of diabetes (years)17.2 (7.3)
HbA1c (%, mmol/L)8.9 (2.0)
BMI30.9 (6.3)
Mean steps*2758 (1729–4726)
Dyslipidemia28 (49.1%)
End-stage renal failure3 (5.3%)
Heart failure7 (12.3%)
Hypertension32 (56.1%)
Myocardial infarction6 (10.5%)
Osteoarthritis7 (12.3%)
Retinopathy22 (38.6%)
Neuropathy41 (71.9%)
PAD16 (28.1%)
Foot deformities41 (71.9%)
Minor amputations16 (28.1%)
Major amputations0 (0)
History of previous ulceration38 (67.9%)
Duration of ulcer (weeks)*16 (5–38)
Ulcer size (cm2)*1.5 (0.5–5.0)
Deep ulcer (UTWCS grade 2 or 3)25 (43.9%)
Ulcer infection29 (58.0%)
Duration of RCW (weeks)*12 (4–32)
Psychosocial factors
FCCS48.9 (10.2)
FCOES67.3 (10.2)
PIN: self/practitioner blames14.8 (3.0)
PIN: physical causes of DFU16 (2.6)
PIN: acute ulcer onset11.2 (1.9)
NQOL: foot pain6.2 (3.2)
NQOL: loss of feeling7.6 (5.2)
NQOL: motor neuropathy7.2 (4.7)
Level of comfort (VAS)*5 (5–10)
Ability to perform daily life activities (VAS)*5 (5–7)
Alteration in activity level (VAS)*5 (5–8)
Alteration in sleep (VAS)*5 (0–5)
Level of satisfaction (VAS)*6 (5–10)
Re-wearing the offloading device in the future (VAS)*9 (5–10)
Heaviness of the RCW (VAS)*5 (5–6.5)
Difficulty in applying the RCW (VAS)*5 (2.5–5.5)
Always having social support when applying the RCW21 (36.8%)
Totally agree that non-adherence to wearing RCW in few steps is not harmful15 (23.3%)
  • *Displayed as median (IQR).

  • BMI, body mass index; DFU, diabetes-related foot ulcer; FCCS, foot care confidence scale; FCOES, footcare outcomes expectations scale; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; JD, Jordanian Dinar; NQOL, neuropathy-specific quality of life; PAD, peripheral arterial disease; PIN, patient interpretation of neuropathy; RCW, removable cast walker; UTWCS, University of Texas wound classification system; VAS, visual analogue scale.