Table 3

Summary of findings per diabetes-specific PROM measuring physical functioning in people with type 2 diabetes, with a rating of the summarized result (+, −, ±, ?) and a grading of the quality of the evidence (H, M, L, V)

Content validityStructural validityInternal consistency*Cross-cultural validityMeasurement invarianceReliabilityMeasurement errorCriterion validityHypotheses testing for construct validityResponsiveness
RelevanceComprehensivenessComprehensibilityOther instrumentsSubgroups Gold standard Other instrumentsSubgroupsBefore–after intervention
DFS—Daily activities42+
??Daily life:
− (V)
Dependence: + (V)
DFS-SF—Dependence/daily life34 38 45 60 61+
PRO-DM-Thai—Physical function35+

IWADL/APPADL—(Physical) activities of daily living36 46+

QOLID—Physical endurance37±

DQLCTQ— Physical function44

Diabetes-39— Energy and Mobility (pilot version, 14 items)43

Diabetes-39— Energy and Mobility (15 items)39–41 43 48 51 59

Diabetes-39 Thai—Energy and Mobility (10 items)49


Diabetes-39 German—Physical impairment (seven items)50??????+
Diabetes-39 SF— Energy and Mobility (five items)48

C-CWIS—Physical symptoms and everyday living47

  • +: sufficient overall rating; −: insufficient overall rating; ±: inconsistent overall rating; ?: indeterminate overall rating; V: very low—we have very little confidence in the measurement property estimate, the true measurement property is likely to be substantially different from the estimate of the measurement property; L: low—our confidence in the measurement property is limited, the true measurement property may be substantially different from the estimate of the measurement property; M: moderate—we are moderately confident in the measurement property estimate, the true measurement property is likely to be close to the estimate of the measurement property, but this is a possibility that it is substantially different; H: high—we are very confident that the true measurement property lies close to that of the estimate of the measurement property.

  • *Per protocol of the COSMIN guideline for systematic reviews, the quality of evidence for internal consistency cannot be higher than the quality of evidence for structural validity.23

  • C-CWIS, Chinese Cardiff Wound Impact Schedule; COSMIN, COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments; DFS, Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale; DFS-SF, Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale—Short Form; DQLCTQ, Diabetes Quality of Life Clinical Trial Questionnaire; IWADL/APPADL, Impact of Weight on Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire; PRO-DM-Thai, patient-reported outcomes instrument for Thai patients with type 2 diabetes; PROM, patient-reported outcome measure; QOLID, Quality of Life Instrument for Indian Diabetes Patients.