Table 1

Characteristics of included studies

Author (year)CountryPeriod of studyStudy designPatientsMetformin exposure (n=sample size)Control (n=sample size)Total number of LB in metformin-exposed group1; MCMTotal number of LB in control group2; MCM
Coetzee and Jackson (1984)45South AfricaNot reported (duration: 5.5 years)Retrospective Pregnant women with established non-insulin-dependent diabetesIn the beginning, 1.5–3 g/day; later 1750–2550 mg/day during first trimester (n=20)No treatment in first trimester (n=89)20; 089; 5
Hellmuth et al (1994)46Denmark1966–1991RetrospectivePregnant women with T2DM250–2000 mg/day at the time of conception and during first 8 weeks of pregnancy (n=7, out of them two continued metformin until delivery and five were changed to insulin)Treated with sulphonylurea during the first trimester (one continued until delivery, 2 changed to metformin until delivery, 15 changed to insulin) (n=18)7; 016; 0
Jakubowicz et al (2002)47Venezuela1996–2000RetrospectiveNon-diabetic pregnant women with PCOS1000–2000 mg/day throughout pregnancy (n=65)No treatment at the time of conception or during pregnancy (n=31)61; 018; 0
Palomba et al (2005)43Italy2003 (6 months)RCTNon-obese primary infertile anovulatory women with PCOS850 mg twice daily until confirmation of pregnancy (n=31)Placebo (n=16)28; 010; 0
Moll et al (2006)44The Netherlands2001–2004RCTWomen with PCOSMetformin 500–2000 mg/day until confirmation of pregnancy (n=111)Clomifene citrate plus placebo (n=114)29; 1 (atresia)42; 1 (anencephaly)
Hameed et al (2011)48Egypt2008–2010ObservationalInfertile women with PCOSPatients conceived while taking metformin (1000–2500 mg/day) with/without other ovulation inducing agents and continued metformin during pregnancy (n=31)Patients who conceived without metformin and did not take it during pregnancy (n=26)30; 019; 1 (atrial septal defect (A.SD))
Diav-Citrin et al (2018)31Israel2000–2013Prospective observational cohort studyPregnant women with PCOS or PGDMMedian daily dose: 1700 mg, at least in the first trimester of pregnancy, (21/170 (12.4%) continued throughout gestation; for PGDM or PCOS (n=170) (51 PCOS+119 PGDM)Pregnant women with pregestational diabetes treated with insulin (n=93); non-teratogenic exposure (n=519)135; 6599; 14
45; 3519; 11
90; 380; 3
Panchaud et al (2018)35Multicenter (Europe)1993–2015Prospective observational cohort studyPregnant women with a PGDM and other (obesity, ovary stimulation, insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, hyperglycemia)Pregnant women on metformin during the first trimester of pregnancy for different indications relative to a matched unexposed reference group (n=458; of that 219 indication PGEM and 173 PCOS)Randomly selected pregnant women who did not use metformin, insulin or other hypoglycemic agent at any time during pregnancy (n=479)392; 20431; 9
173; 3431; 9
219; 17431; 9
Scherneck et al (2018)29Germany2004–2014Prospective observational cohort studyPregnant patients affected by PCOS, T2DM and/or insulin resistancePatients with metformin exposure (median dosage: 1500 mg/day (IQR 1000–2000)) at least between gestational week 2+0 to 12+6 days after first day of last menstrual period (n=336) (225 first, 71 first and second and 40 all three trimesters) (69 T2DM and 163 PCOS)Matched controls were randomly selected from all eligible pregnant women (n=1011)232; 11913; 38
163; 8913; 38
69; 3913; 38
Kelty et al (2020)49Australia2003–2012Retrospective cohort studyPregnant women with gestational or T2DM)Women treated with metformin (four 0.5 g tablets, two 1.0 g tablets or two 0.85 g tablets, daily) during pregnancy (n=108)Women who were dispensed gliclazide during pregnancy (n=108)108; 6108; 8
Lin et al (2020)50Taiwan2003–2014Retrospective cohort studyWomen with pre-existing T2DM and singleton pregnanciesMetformin before and during pregnancy (n=626)Insulin and no oral antidiabetic drugs before and during pregnancy (n=222)2.72 stillbirth incidence; 609 live births; 333.60 stillbirth incidence; 214 live births; 21
  • 1 and 2: these numbers were used for the meta-analysis.

  • LB, live births; MCM, major congenital malformations; PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome; PGDM, pregestational diabetes mellitus; RCT, randomized controlled trials; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus.