Table 1

Baseline characteristics of (A) all patients with COVID-19 with history of prediabetes and matched cohort of patients without COVID-19, (B) hospitalized patients, and (C) hospitalized patients with follow-up

PrediabeticHospitalizedHospitalized at follow-up
COVID-19 (n=3102)Non-COVID-19 (n=9306)COVID-19 (n=1378)Non-COVID-19 (n=4134)COVID-19 (n=868)Non-COVID-19 (n=2715)
Demographics, n (%)
Age, mean years (±SD)56.8 (18.8)57.0 (18.1)63.8 (18.9)63.7 (17.9)62.1 (18.8)***64.9 (16.9)
Male1142 (36.8%)3436 (36.9%)586 (42.5%)1779 (43.0%)362 (41.7%)1144 (42.1%)
 Hispanic1292 (41.7%)***3321 (35.7%)581 (42.2%)**1538 (37.2%)370 (42.6%)*1025 (37.8%)
 White265 (8.5%)834 (9.0%)155 (11.2%)495 (12.0%)95 (10.9%)295 (10.9%)
 Black1132 (36.5%)3324 (35.7%)499 (36.2%)1477 (35.7%)318 (36.6%)1001 (36.9%)
 Asian90 (2.9%)272 (2.9%)21 (1.5%)*107 (2.6%)14 (1.6%)73 (2.7%)
 Other323 (10.4%)***1555 (16.7%)122 (8.9%)***517 (12.5%)71 (8.2%)**321 (11.8%)
Comorbidities, n (%)
 BMI (kg/m2)29.19 (6.68)**29.74 (6.04)28.54 (6.68)*29.12 (6.1)27.41 (6.59)***29.04 (6.6)
 CHF95 (3.1%)231 (2.5%)73 (5.3%)201 (4.9%)46 (5.3%)179 (6.6%)
 CKD327 (10.5%)957 (10.3%)220 (16.0%)655 (15.8%)143 (16.5%)505 (18.6%)
 Hypertension1418 (45.7%)4155 (44.6%)724 (52.5%)2171 (52.5%)459 (52.9%)1517 (55.9%)
 COPD/Asthma634 (20.4%)1946 (20.9%)263 (19.1%)794 (19.2%)181 (20.9%)589 (21.7%)
Lab values, mean (±SD)
 HbA1c (%)5.7 (0.36)***5.8 (0.26)5.69 (0.43)**5.76 (0.3)5.68 (0.51)*5.7 (0.36)
 Glucose (mg/dL)112.15 (26.27)***101.27 (39.51)115.89 (28.41)***112.05 (32.28)100.81 (21.48)101.16 (20.76)
 HDL (mg/dL)48.85 (12.8)***51.84 (12.54)47.84 (13.86)***50.31 (12.28)46.45 (13.66)***49.52 (12.36)
 LDL (mg/dL)102.53 (31.58)**105.77 (31.75)93.2 (31.06)***102.28 (32.47)95.84 (33.7)*100.03 (31.91)
 CRP (mg/dL)6.08 (5.86)***6.25 (11.78)6.48 (6.01)***7.34 (12.82)4.31 (5.42)3.18 (4.81)
 FER (ng/mL)714.62 (870.51)***152.11 (219.37)728.84 (885.21)***208.53 (269.4)330.69 (534.26)**177.9 (265.52)
 LDH (U/L)322.21 (140.12)***269.33 (139.39)329.54 (143.94)**277.19 (142.62)322.07 (176.08)**254.24 (85.03)
 BNP (pg/mL)411.8 (881.05)***1178.87 (2877.01)459.38 (921.3)***1187.72 (2891.42)374.12 (631.25)454.76 (870.78)
 Cr (mg/dL)1.13 (0.65)***0.99 (0.38)1.2 (0.73)*1.06 (0.44)1.0 (0.52)0.96 (0.32)
 DDIM (μg/mL FEU)1.61 (1.63)50.1 (174.36)1.67 (1.67)50.1 (174.36)1.91 (2.08)10.0 (60.31)
 ALT (U/L)28.27 (19.43)***26.45 (25.86)29.3 (20.71)***27.93 (30.46)24.18 (18.59)22.1 (12.74)
 Lymph (k/μL)1.34 (0.81)***1.82 (0.84)1.25 (0.75)***1.69 (0.84)1.81 (0.97)***1.9 (0.82)
 PLT (k/μL)221.08 (71.97)***243.15 (71.54)214.09 (73.7)***234.74 (72.53)249.91 (73.81)*244.57 (68.15)
 PT (s)14.19 (1.81)14.27 (1.87)14.37 (1.86)14.29 (1.88)14.54 (2.23)14.49 (2.28)
 WBC (k/μL)7.05 (3.23)***7.81 (3.4)7.19 (3.25)***8.39 (3.91)7.18 (2.73)7.16 (2.59)
 TEMP (°F)98.59 (0.79)***98.16 (0.48)98.59 (0.82)***98.16 (0.5)98.12 (0.48)98.17 (0.54)
 TnT (ng/mL)0.048 (0.210)0.042 (0.150)0.057 (0.233)**0.042 (0.151)0.045 (0.148)0.026 (0.046)
 SBP (mm Hg)130.54 (19.03)130.42 (17.51)129.83 (19.73)***132.94 (19.43)130.99 (19.75)130.02 (18.22)
 BUN (mg/dL)18.63 (11.38)**16.32 (7.25)20.8 (13.06)***17.66 (8.56)16.76 (8.73)15.52 (6.17)
Outcomes, n (%)
IMV161 (5.2%)***85 (0.9%)152 (11.0%)***84 (2.0%)54 (6.2%)***45 (1.7%)
In-hospital death158 (5.1%)***62 (0.7%)151 (11.0%)***61 (1.5%)
In-hospital steroid usage337 (10.9%)***261 (2.8%)289 (21.0%)***234 (5.7%)180 (20.7%)***161 (5.9%)
  • *P<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 between patients with and without COVID-19 within each group.

  • Laboratory data were obtained at hospitalization.

  • ALT, alanine aminotransferase; BMI, body mass index; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CHF, congestive heart failure; CKD, chronic kidney disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Cr, creatinine; CRP, C-reactive protein; DDIM, D-dimer; FER, ferritin; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; Lymph, lymphocyte count; PLT, platelet count; PT, prothrombin time; SBP, systolic blood pressure; TEMP, temperature; TnT, troponin T; WBC, white blood cell.