Table 1

W0 characteristics of the patients in the assigned treatment groups

ParameterLuseo 2.5 mg (n=80)Luseo 5 mg (n=86)Luseo 10 mg (n=79)Placebo (n=83)Total (N=328)
Age (years)*59.19±8.5658.86±8.4657.85±9.5957.96±8.6358.47±8.79
Female sex, n (%)46 (57.5)58 (67.4)56 (70.9)52 (62.7)212 (64.6)
Race, n (%)80 (100)86 (100)79 (100)83 (100)328 (100)
BMI (kg/m2)*32.13±2.8730.66±3.8731.54±3.2031.70±3,4031.49±3.39
BMI ≥30 kg/m2, n (%)62 (77.5)53 (61.6)54 (68.3)62 (74.7)231 (70.4)
Waist circumference (cm)*105.51±10.76102.33±12.39102.70±10.60103.30±11.90103.44±11.48
HbA1c (%)*8.52±0.668.54±0.718.56±0.738.54±0.718.54±0.70
HbA1c ≥8.5%, n (%)27 (33.8)33 (38.3)29 (36.7)39 (47.0)128 (39.0)
FPG (mmol/L)*9.15±2.179.07±2.299.28±2.019.54±2.169.26±2.16
eGFR >60 mL/min, n (%)76 (95.0)78 (90.7)69 (87.3)80 (96.4)303 (92.4)
Diabetes duration (years)*5.58±5.296.48±4.896.01±4.746.24±5.366.09±5.06
Concomitant comorbidities
HTN, n (%)54 (67.5)55 (64.0)52 (65.8)56 (67.5)217 (66.2)
Dyslipidemia, n (%)33 (41.2)34 (39.5)32 (40.5)31 (37.3)130 (39.6)
  • W0 data are provided descriptively; no formal intergroup analysis was performed.

  • *Mean±SD percentages may not total 100 because of rounding.

  • BMI, body mass index; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; FPG, fasting plasma glucose; HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin; HTN, arterial hypertension; luseo, luseogliflozin; W0, week 0.