Table 3

Most parsimonious Cox model of independent predictors of all-cause mortality (upper panel), and Cox and competing risk (Fine and Gray) models of independent predictors of death from CVD (lower panel) in FDS1 participants with type 1 diabetes with age as the timeline

Baseline variableHR (95% CI)P valueSubdistribution HR (95% CI)P value
All-cause mortality
Age at diabetes diagnosis quintiles*
1st, 3rd–5th1.00 (reference)
2nd3.57 (1.61 to 7.96)0.002
 HbA1c (increase of 1% (11 mmol/L))1.37 (1.18 to 1.60)<0.001
 Ln(urinary albumin:creatinine ratio (mg/mmol))†1.21 (1.04 to 1.40)0.011
 Any retinopathy2.40 (1.31 to 4.39)0.005
CVD mortality
Age at diabetes diagnosis quintiles*:
 1st, 3rd–5th1.00 (reference)
2nd6.71 (2.08 to 21.67)0.001
 ABSI‡ (increase of 0.001 m11/6/kg2/3)1.14 (1.03 to 1.25)0.008
 HbA1c (increase of 1% (11 mmol/mol))1.43 (1.11 to 1.86)0.006
Ln(urinary albumin:creatinine (mg/mmol))†1.42 (1.19 to 1.71)<0.001
History of ischemic heart disease3.02 (1.32 to 6.90)0.009
  • *Age at diabetes diagnosis (years) quintiles: first, 1.6–17.5; second,17.6–26.82; third, 26.83–32.1; fourth, 32.2–38.26; and fifth, 38.27–75.2.

  • †A 2.72-fold increase in urinary albumin:creatinine ratio corresponds to an increased risk of one in ln(urinary albumin:creatinine ratio).

  • ‡ABSI=m11/6 /kg2/3.

  • ABSI, A Body Shape Index; CVD, cardiovascular disease.