Table 3

The prevalence for accumulating 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 days of high inactivity (<5 min MVPA/day) among participants with diabetes, prediabetes, and no diabetes

No diabetes n=2408
Inactive days during a week%%%
0 day33.644.052.9
1 day13.617.417.0
2 days10.310.38.4
3 days9.27.37.1
4 days4.45.94.4
5 days11.34.94.2
6 days11.67.74.3
≥7 days6.02.41.7
Consecutive days with high inactivity
>2 days33.219.915.1
  • Data are presented as proportion (%) with standardization on age, sex, and number of valid days with accelerometer measurement.

  • MVPA, moderate to vigorous physical activity.