Table 1

Demographics and cohort characteristics

People with BMI<30 kg/m2People with BMI>30 kg/m2People without obesity diagnosis codePeople with obesity diagnosis code
N, %692 119 (100)415 473 (60)276 646 (40)595 692 (86)96 427 (14)
Age, mean (SD)50.8 (17.8)50.7 (19.3)50.9 (15.4)50.4 (18.2)53.2 (15.1)
BMI, mean (SD)29.5 (7.1)25.0 (3.2)36.2 (5.8)28.2 (6.2)37.0 (7.3)
Female384 024 (55.5)232 589 (56.0)151 435 (54.7)325 795 (54.7)58 229 (60.4)
BMI group*
 Underweight11 750 (1.7)11 750 (2.8)NA115 486 (1.9)264 (0.3)
 Normal181 415 (26.2)181 415 (43.7)NA179 804 (30.2)1611 (1.7)
 Overweight222 308 (32.1)222 308 (53.5)NA212 723 (35.7)9585 (9.9)
 Class 1 Obesity147 962 (21.4)NA147 962 (53.5)115 956 (19.5)32 006 (33.2)
 Class 2 Obesity73 636 (10.6)NA73 636 (26.6)48 151 (8.1)25 485 (26.4)
 Class 3 Obesity55 048 (8.0)NA55 048 (19.9)27 572 (4.6)27 476 (28.5)
CCI, mean (SD)0.7 (1.6)0.7 (1.6)0.7 (1.5)0.7 (1.5)1.2 (1.9)
CCI categories
 0494 388 (71.4)303 543 (73.1)190 845 (69)441 026 (74.0)53 362 (55.3)
 178 366 (11.3)41 384 (10.0)36 982 (13.4)62 194 (10.4)16 172 (16.8)
 254 941 (7.9)30 895 (7.4)24 046 (8.7)43 340 (7.3)11 601 (12.0)
 3+64 424 (9.3)39 651 (9.5)24 773 (9.0)49 132 (8.3)15 292 (15.9)
 Commercial555 977 (80.3)324 933 (78.2)231 044 (83.5)479 584 (80.5)76 393 (79.2)
 Medicare136 142 (19.7)90 540 (21.8)45 602 (16.5)116 108 (19.5)20 034 (20.8)
Index year
 201353 434 (7.7)34 178 (8.2)19 256 (7.0)49 713 (8.4)3721 (3.9)
 201469 434 (10)44 028 (10.6)25 406 (9.2)63 777 (10.7)5657 (5.9)
 2015100 863 (14.6)62 778 (15.1)38 085 (13.8)90 622 (15.2)10 241 (10.6)
 2016170 261 (24.6)102 323 (24.6)67 938 (24.6)147 846 (24.8)22 415 (23.3)
 2017140 843 (20.4)81 889 (19.7)58 954 (21.3)118 160 (19.8)22 683 (23.5)
 201850 683 (7.3)30 607 (7.4)20 076 (7.3)42 665 (7.2)8018 (8.3)
 2019106 601 (15.4)59 670 (14.4)46 931 (17.0)82 909 (13.9)23 692 (24.6)
  • All data are presented as n, (%) unless specified otherwise. Obesity as indicated by BMI≥30 kg/m2 in the EMR, and ICD codes in the claims data. There could be overlap in some people who were classified to have obesity in the EMR and/or the claims.

  • *Underweight (<18.5 kg/m2); normal (18.5 to <25 kg/m2); overweight (25 to <30 kg/m2); class 1 obesity (30 to <35 kg/m2); class 2 obesity (35 to <40 kg/m2); class 3 obesity (≥40 kg/m2) (CDC, 2022).

  • BMI, body mass index; CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; EMR, electronic medical record; ICD, Classification of Disease; N, total population; NA, not applicable.